article / Մայիս 26, 2015
Sparkle of hope in Ericson's eyes
Febrianto Ericson, 8, lives in a village in Tempunak Sub District, in Sintang District, West Kalimantan.
article / Դեկտեմբեր 15, 2022
A different kind of Christmas and New Year for Ukrainians as refugees in Moldova
Over 98,000 refugees who fled from the war in Ukraine have been registered by UNHCR in Moldova. Among them Natalia and son. She shares the struggle how they will celebrate this long-held tradition without their loved ones.
press release / Մայիս 30, 2016
World Vision allocates US$ 60,000 to help poor children and people in Binh Thuan cope with severe drought
article / Նոյեմբեր 19, 2018
Children’s Voices Promote Toilet Use in Kenya
By Wanjiku Kuria and Deborah Oyaro, Hygiene &Sanitation Experts at World Vision Kenya
When nature calls, people need toilets. Yet, many cannot access them.
article / Հուլիս 16, 2020
Community volunteer takes pride in helping her community
Little or no access to vital and factual information coupled with misconceptions about the coronavirus pandemic increases people's vulnerability and exposure to the virus. To rai
press release / Հուլիս 19, 2013
Parliamentarians "Give us a hand" for child health
Fiona Uellendahl, Coordinator of Advocacy and Campaigning, World Vision Germany
publication / Մարտ 13, 2019
ENRICH and Developmental Evaluation
Introductory slides for the March 13 2019 Global Health Community of Practice Orientation to Developmental Evaluation.
article / Փետրվար 9, 2022
Un kit scolaire maintient les rêves d’Esther malgré les défis de son handicap
À l’âge de deux ans, un train est passé par-dessus ses petites jambes dans un accident tragique. Elle a perdu ses deux jambes dans une amputation pour sauver sa vie, mais cela ne pouvait pas arrêter son destin. Esther (maintenant âgée de 15 ans) a reçu une trousse scolaire qui l’aide à réaliser ses rêves dans le cadre d’un projet financé par Affaires Mondiales Canada (AMC), Equality for Girls’ Access to Learning (EGAL).