Pray with us
Praying for Fullness of Life for Every Child
Our prayer is that all may come to experience life to its fullest measure. And we pray for every heart to have the will to make it so.
We pray because our faith in God gives us hope that restoration and renewal are possible even in the most difficult places. We see hope reflected in transformed lives and restored relationships and we have evidence that this hope is credible.
We have fallen in love with God’s world vision: a glorious future for all creation! Our vision lies beyond our reach but we put our trust in God. All our hopes and aspirations point to Jesus Christ, for it was He who made us believe that nothing is impossible with God. In Jesus Christ the love, mercy and grace of God are made known to us and all people. From this overflowing abundance of God's love we find our call to ministry.
World Vision seeks to be available for God to use us as his instruments in making His vision come true. This also is our prayer for every staff, every donor, every community and every organization we partner with: that God’s power will be at work in us and do far more than we dare ask or imagine for the sake of every child, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.
Pray with us for the poor, the powerless, the afflicted, the oppressed, and the marginalised. Pray for hope and dignity for all women and children. Pray for unjust attitudes and systems to be challenged and for resources to be shared. Pray for love for all people without discrimination or conditions. Pray for peace - within homes, communities and nations, with God, with oneself. Pray for hope in the face of need and suffering. Pray for blessing on the efforts made by World Vision teams and many others to lighten their plight. Pray for life in all its fullness for every child. And pray for every heart to have the will to make it so.