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Child development programme among vulnerable groups in Sri Lanka found:
- 546 households (223 comparison, 323 intervention) across 3 Area Programmes were followed, assessing child nutritional status, maternal mental health, early childhood development outcomes, and responsive parenting skills.
- Parents being 3.3 times more likely to read to children, 2.28 times more likely to sing to children, 3.4 times more likely to take a child out for a walk, 2.3 times more likely to play with a child than comparison parents
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The Go Baby Go project in Sinhuli district, Nepal assessed the impact of integrated parenting and Health Mothers Group intervention on child under two developmental outcomes. The project found:
- “From the program I realised that giving birth to children is not enough. We have to take care of them by feeding them nutritious food, they need love, we need to play with and talk to them.”- 19 year old Dalit mother in Nepal.

Empowering Palestinian Mothers to Protect the Bodies and Brains of their Newborns and Infants:
“We learned about child development, and to use what we have and play with our children; we don’t need to buy expensive toys.”
Participant mothers in Yatma village
“I had five children in a short period of time. With the first four, I was angry all the time. With this child I am more calm and relaxed. I interact more with this child. I care for this child differently than my older children.”
VIEW Amneh's experience AND VIEW how Go Baby Go has empowered women
Nourish the Body, Nourish the Bond: Integrating early care and nutrition in emergencies
" A recent study in South Darfur found that integrating Go Baby Go! with an existing community nutrition platform for children with moderate acute malnutrition led to significant differences in treatment outcomes. Children receiving the combined nutrition and Go Baby Go intervention saw an increased recovery rate of 30% and reduced length-of-stay for MAM treatment of 13%, compared to the control group receiving nutrition alone (McGrath et al. 2022)"
READ the full Moving Minds Alliance Factsheet to find out more

Impact from Rwanda
Read the full details and Report.
The objective of the study to determine if a nurturing care parenting programme delivered in a humanitarian setting in Rwanda to determine would benefit early development, learning and care outcomes for young children under 5 years and their caregivers compared to standard care.
The parenting programme was implemented in Rwanda’s Mugombwa, Kansi and Kigeme refugee camp and host communities. A total of 733, children and families were assessed. HD = 314, LD = 240, control = 179. Via a quasi-experimental research design, the study assessed the effects of intervention delivered as high dose (HD: 12 group sessions and 4 home visits) or low dose (LD: 6 group sessions and 2 home visits) on child and caregiver outcomes compared to the control group from similar settings receiving standard care.
Parenting programmes in humanitarian settings can positively impact on nurturing care practices, even with a low dose, which are essential to strengthening children’s resilience living in at-risk conditions such as refugee settings. Further studies in such context are essential to strengthen the proof of concept from the study findings.
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Here are some useful resources:
- Playful Parenting Guides - provides ideas for parents and caregivers to help support their young child's physical, cognitive and social-emotional development. The booklet includes specific ideas for children from 0-9 and is broken into helpful sections based on a young child's developmental milestones.
- Toy Guides for Early Childhood Development - The booklets contain instructions for parents and caregivers to make simple toys for children 0-6 and 6-9 years. It also includes ideas for engaging young children with those toys and games. The toys and activities promote development across four domains: literacy, numeracy, physical, and socio-emotional.