Child Protection
Child Protection
At the end of 2021, 36.5 million (41%) out of 89.3 million forcibly displaced or stateless people were children.
Many of these girls and boys flee violence and insecurity in search of safer future away from bombs and bullets, violence and persecution. Children in these contexts are among the most vulnerable people on earth, as they are at risk of some of the worst forms of abuse and harm. Some of these risks include trafficking, child labour, recruitment into armed groups, physical injury early marriage, and other forms of abuse and harm.
Humanitarian emergencies have devastating effects on children; we know they are the most vulnerable. Whether during the early stages of a fast onset disaster, years into a long-drawn-out conflict-driven crisis, or in the rehabilitation phase of an emergency.
Our Impact
Furthermore, during the COVID-19 Pandemic:
1,875,360 children were supported with Child Protection programming (including registration, care protocols, prevention of separation, and alternative care), of which 292,112 were supported in FY 2021.
4,884,510 people (children and their families) were reached through IEC psychosocial support materials. 1,756,828 were reached in FY 2021.
World Vision's Response
We design and deliver our efforts so as children can have a safe place to be & play, be reunited with their families, eat and have shelter, meet friends and go to school and understand what their rights are and ways to speak out for themselves to governments, donors and decision makers who can change the course of their destiny.